吳立超 Li-Chau Wu
- 職稱: 助理教授
- 電話: 089-517533
- E-Mail: wuli@nttu.edu.tw
- 研究室: 理工學院B棟4樓 SEB407
- 分機號碼: 6107
- Office hours: 星期三(14:10~16:00)、星期四(13:10~15:00)
- 地點: SEB407
- 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校數學所博士
- 國立中正大學數學研究所碩士
- 國立台灣大學數學系學士
國立台東大學數學系助理教授, 95.02.01~至今.
中央研究院數學所博士後92.09.01~ 95.01.31
國立台東大學理工學院院長特別助理98.8.1 ~102.1.31
- 機率論
- 財務數學
Mountford, T. and Wu, L.C. (2005 June) The Time for a Critical Nearest Particle System to reach Equilibrium starting with a large Gap. Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol.10, paper no. 13, 436-498 .(SCI expanded)
Mountford, T. and Wu, L.C. (2008 June) Characterization of Equilibrium measures for critical reversible Nearest Particle Systems. Cent. Eur. J. Math. 6(2) 2008 237-261. (SCI expanded)
Chen, Hsiao-Chi , Yunshyong Chow and Wu, L.C. (2012 February) Imitation, local interaction, and efficiency: reappraisal. Economics Bulletin Vol. 32, No. 1, pp 675-684. JEL, EconLit
- Chen, Hsiao-Chi , Yunshyong Chow and Wu, L.C.(2013 November) Imitation, Local Interaction, and Coordination, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp 1041-1057. International Journal of Game Theory
Wu, L.C. (2003 June) Invariant Distributions for Critical Nearest Particle Systems. Doctoral Dissertation, UCLA. 2003.
Mountford, T. and Wu, L.C. Characterization of Equilibrium measures for critical reversible Nearest Particle Systems (submitted).
(with Xingwei Hu) Internal conflict resolutions in a complete-contracted organization. (in preparation)
(with Chen H.-C. and Y. Chow) Evolutionary coordination games under one-dimensional local interaction and imitation (in preparation)