吳慶堂 Ching-Tang Wu
- 職稱: 教授
- 電話: 研究室 089-517536
- E-Mail: ctwu@nttu.edu.tw
- 研究室: 理工學院B棟4樓 SEB410
- 分機號碼: 研究室 6110
- 系主任辦公室:理工學院B棟3樓SEB308
- 分機號碼:6100
- Office hours: 星期三(14:10~16:00)
德國柏林洪堡大學數學博士, 1999
國立清華大學數學研究所碩士, 1993
國立清華大學數學系學士, 1991
國立臺東大學數學系教授, 2021/02 ~ 至今
國立臺東大學數學系副教授, 2014/02 ~ 2021/02
國立交通大學應用數學系副教授, 2005/08 ~ 2014/01
國立高雄大學應用數學系副教授, 2004/02 ~ 2005/07
國立高雄大學應用數學系助理教授, 2001/08 ~ 2004/01
奧地利維也納工業大學金融及保險數學學系博士後研究, 1999/10 ~ 2001/07
- 財務數學
- 隨機分析
- (With C.-P. Chen) Double Walsh series with coefficients of bounded variation of higher order, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 350(1), 395-417, 1998.
- (With H. Föllmer and M. Yor) Canonical decomposition of linear transformations of two independent Brownian motions motivated by models of insider trader, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 84(1), 137-164, 1999.
- (With H. Föllmer,and M. Yor) On weak Brownian motions of arbitrary order, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, B. Probabilités et Statistiques 36(4), 447-487, 2000.
- (With M. Yor) Linear transformations of two independent Brownian motions and orthogonal decompositions of Brownian filtrations, Publicacions Matemàtiques 46, 237-256, 2002.
- (With A. Schied) Duality theory for optimal investments under model uncertainty, Statistics and Decisions 23 (4), 199-217 ,2005.
- (With Y. Tsai) Demand uncertainty and the choices of business model in the semiconductor industry, Seoul Journal of Economics 18 (4), 303-324, 2005.
- (With L. Alili) Further results on some singular linear stochastic differential equations, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 119, 1386-1399, 2009.
- (With Y. Tsai) Integrated production and the investment-uncertainty relationship, South Africa Journal of Economics, 77(1) 102-112, 2009.